Master the Fundamental Principles of Electronics

Mr. Board is an engaging electric circuit board designed to help students grasp the basics of electronics and electricity. It covers key concepts like resistance, current, and voltage, as well as Ohm's and Kirchhoff's laws. With Mr. Board, students can explore different parallel and series circuits, switches, motors, sensors, and basic transistor circuits in a fun and interactive way.

Engage Your Students With Hands-On Learning!

STEM Education

It's a gateway to creativity and critical thinking. Students experiment with various configurations, design their own circuits, and see their ideas come to life. This kind of experiential learning promotes not only technical skills but also nurtures innovation and inventiveness, preparing students for the challenges of tomorrow’s tech-driven world.

Comprehensive Circuit Education

From Ohm's law to Kirchhoff's law, Mr. Board covers all fundamental principles of electronics. Students will explore various parallel and series circuits, understanding the interplay of resistance, current, and voltage. By constructing basic transistor circuits, they’ll grasp the building blocks of modern technology.

Hands-On Learning

With Mr. Board, theory meets practice. Students can experiment with resistors, motors, sensors, and switches, witnessing firsthand how electricity flows and powers devices. This tactile approach makes abstract concepts tangible and understandable.

Forget the old-fashioned, passive learning methods.

Magnetic Electronic Circuit Board

Resistance, current and voltage, Ohm's law, parallel and series circuit, switch, motor, various circuits, sensors, Kirchhoff laws, basic transistor circuits.

Quick to understand

Basic principles of electronics